Saturday, February 13, 2010

Virtual Manipulative Pythagorean Theorum

I chose the virtual manipulative geometry 6-8 proving the pythagorean theorum. In this I was provided 4 triangles and a square and had to fill in two different shapes. This word in turn prove the pyahtgorean theorum to be accurate. The first shape was a square (c) and the second shape was two squares of different sizes placed together (a and b). The four triangles and square that I was provided were the exact same size and would in turn fill in both of the shapes. The second shape (a and b) was much easier for me to figure out than the other shape (c). Shape c required manipulation and rotation of the square in order to fill it in. After some time I was able to figure it out and solve the problem. It was a really cool manipulative and I was recently working on this with my students and I really see this as a useful way to ensure the students understanding of the theorum.

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