Saturday, February 27, 2010

Virtual Manipulatives Triominoes

When I first saw this manipulative it appeared to be an interesting puzzle or activity to try out. After beginning I noticed this did not present any problems or activities to work on. It was simply allowing me to connect triominoes and connect pieces for creating designs.
Triominoes are three sided peices with three different colors at each vertex. You can not connect pieces without the colors matching at the sides of the triominoes. The manipulative does allow you to flip, rotate and move the triomino. I was unsure of how this could be used with students but after working on it for a little while I thought that maybe students could be presented with a design and they would have to recreate it using the triominoes making sure they mathced sides so the pieces would connect (problem solving). Overall I really did not like this specific manipulative because I would have preferred it to present a problem or activity to be worked on.

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